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Mallory E Matsumoto

August 19, 2019

2018–2019 Award Winners

crossing divides


2018 MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize

Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs

edited by Bruce Horner and Laura Tetreault








distant islands


2019 Immigration and Ethnic History Society First Book Award, Honorable Mention

Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City, 1876–1930s

Daniel H. Inouye












2018 New England Council of Latin American Studies Best Book Prize, Honorable Mention

Land, Politics, and Memory in Five Nija'ib K'iche' Títulos: "The Title and Proof of Our Ancestors"

Mallory E. Matsumoto








legend tripping


2019 Brian McConnell Book Award, the Society for Contemporary Legend Research

Legend Tripping: A Contemporary Legend Casebook

edited by Lynne S. McNeill and Elizabeth Tucker









network sense


2019 CCCC Research Impact Award

Network Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline

Derek N. Mueller

Co-published with the WAC Clearinghouse







unitary caring


2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development, Third Place

Unitary Caring Science: Philosophy and Praxis of Nursing

Jean Watson








May 09, 2017

Mallory E. Matsumoto

Mallory E. Matsumoto is a PhD student in the Department of Anthropology at Brown University. Land, Politics, and Memory in Five Nija’ib’ K’iche’ Títulos is her first book.

Published in Authors
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June 11, 2018

Reading beyond Form in Historical Manuscripts

Modernization and standardization of orthography, spelling, and grammar, along with transliteration into type, make some works more accessible to a broader audience . . . but by eliminating internal variation and irregularity, this same practice obscures critical data that could provide insight into phenomena such as the context of composition or the author’s identity.

Published in News & Features
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University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press