Lara Candland
Four Questions about The Lapidary’s Nosegay
Lara Candland answers the questions she's been most frequently asked about her new volume of poetry, The Lapidary's Nosegay, and explains the creative impetus for the work.
Lara Candland
Lara Candland is a poet, musician, singer, and co-founder of and chief-librettist for the Seattle Experimental Opera. Her work has appeared in Fence, Colorado Review, the Crab Creek Review, the Likewise Folio, Barrow Street, and many other journals. Her first book, Alburnum of the Green and Living Tree, was published in 2010, and her performance with Lalage—poetry and live electronic looping and manipulations—appears on the CD Lalage: Live on Sornarchy. Her opera Sunset with Pink Pastoral was a finalist in the Genesis Prizes for New Opera and was presented at Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London as well as in performances in Seattle, Washington; Vancouver, BC; and Salt Lake City, Utah.