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"K for the Way"

DJ Rhetoric and Literacy for 21st Century Writing Studies

(Re)Considering What We Know

Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy

Above the Well

An Antiracist Literacy Argument from a Boy of Color

After Plato

Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Teaching of Writing

Beyond Conversation

Collaboration and the Production of Writing

Beyond Productivity

Embodied, Situated, and (Un)Balanced Faculty Writing Processes

Bodies of Knowledge

Embodied Rhetorics in Theory and Practice

Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices

Innovating Teaching across Disciplines

Childfree and Happy

Transforming the Rhetoric of Women's Reproductive Choices

Civic Engagement in Global Contexts

International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education

Conceptions of Literacy

Graduate Instructors and the Teaching of First-Year Composition

Desegregation State

College Writing Programs after the Civil Rights Movement

Disrupting the Center

A Partnership Approach to Writing Across the University

Disruptive Stories

Amplifying Voices from the Writing Center Margins

Drilled to Write

Becoming a Cadet Writer at a Senior Military College

Effective Teaching of Technical Communication

Theory, Practice, and Application

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University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press