Kimball T Harper
Kimball T. Harper
Kimball T. Harper received a B.S. Brigham Young University, 1958-Agronomy; M.S. Brigham Young University, 1960-Botany; Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1963-Botany. Faculty, University of Utah, 1963-1973; Faculty, Brigham Young University 1976-1996; Botany Scholar in Residence, Utah Valley University, 2000-present. Recipient of the Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Achievement Award, Brigham Young University, 1985; the prestigious Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecture Award, Brigham Young University, 1994; Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Research and Creative Arts Award, Outstanding Teacher Award, President's Pubic Service Award by The Nature Conservancy, American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow. Published hundreds of articles in professional journals and coauthored several books and book chapters. Mentored dozens of graduate students who are now contributing scientists in their various fields.
Woody Plants of Utah
A Field Guide with Identification Keys to Native and Naturalized Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, and Vines