Utah State University Press
"K for the Way"
DJ Rhetoric and Literacy for 21st Century Writing Studies
"Like the Hajis of Meccah and Jerusalem"
Orientalism and the Mormon Experience, 1820-1970
"Unfortunate Emigrants"
Narratives of the Donner Party
"We Gather Together"
Food and Festival in American Life
"What the Railroad Will Bring Us"
The Legacy of the Transcontinental Railroad Corporations
(First Person)²
A Study of Co-Authoring in the Academy
(Re)Articulating Writing Assessment
For Teaching and Learning
(Re)Considering What We Know
Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy
A Field of Dreams
Independent Writing Programs and the Future of Composition Studies
A History of Utah Radicalism
Startling, Socialistic, and Decidedly Revolutionary
A Language and Power Reader
Representations of Race in a "Post-Racist" Era
A Mission for Development
Utah Universities and the Point Four Program in Iran
A Mountain of Paper
The Extraordinary Diary of Leonard James Arrington
A New Writing Classroom
Listening, Motivation, and Habits of Mind
A Route for the Overland Stage
James H. Simpson's 1859 Trail Across the Great Basin
A Shared Space
Folklife of the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands
A Teaching Subject
New Edition
A Voice in the Wilderness
Conversations with Terry Tempest Williams
After Plato
Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Teaching of Writing
After the Public Turn
Composition, Counterpublics, and the Citizen Bricoleur
Alas, Poor Ghost!
Traditions of Belief in Story and Discourse
Alaska's Daughter
An Eskimo Memoir of the Twentieth Century
Along Navajo Trails
Recollections of a Trader