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2019 Financial Statements

Statement of Financial Position
Year Ended June 30, 2019
Current Assets  
Cash and Cash Equivalents $16,000
Accounts Receivable (Net) $308,000
Inventory at Cost $191,000
Prepaid Expenses & Other Current Assets $22,000
Total $537,000
Other Assets  
Denver Foundation Endowment Fund (Net) $77,000
Other Assets $11,000
Right-of-Use-Asset $119,000
Total $207,000
Total Assets  $744,000
Current Liabilities  
Accounts Payable $29,000
Accrued Vacation and Sick Pay $43,000
Royalties and Commissions $103,000
Unearned Income $168,000
Lease Liability, Current Portion $33,000
Line of Credit -$0-
Total Current Liabilities $376,000
Other—Lease Liability, Net of Current Portion $88,000
Total Liabilities $464,000
Net Assets—Without Donor Restrictions $280,000
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $744,000
Statement of Activities
Year Ended June 30, 2019
Net Book Sales $1,048,000
Other Publishing Income $10,000
Member Dues $263,000
Donations, Interest, and Other Income   $32,000
Total Revenues $1,353,000
Cost of Sales  
Cost of Books Sold $192,000
Title Subsidies ($43,000)
Inventory Write-Off $79,000
Royalties and Commissions $99,000
Total Cost of Sales $327,000
Gross Margin  $1,026,000
Editorial Expense $400,000
Production Expense $117,000
Marketing Expense $131,000
Fulfillment Expense $167,000
General and Administrative Expense $291,000
Total Expenses $1,106,000
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets ($80,000)
Net Assets, Beginning of Year $360,000
Net Assets, End of Year $280,000


























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