University of Alaska Press
Publishing books on politics and history, Native languages and cultures, science and natural history, biography and memoir, poetry, fiction and anthologies, and original translations, all with an emphasis on the state of Alaska.
Kal'unek From Karluk
Kodiak Alutiiq History and the Archaeology of the Karluk One Village Site
Khanty, People of the Taiga
Surviving the Twentieth Century
The Japanese Occupation of an Alaska Island
An Eskimo Life History from the Arctic Coast of Alaska
Land of Extremes
A Natural History of the Arctic North Slope of Alaska
Last Great Wilderness
The Campaign to Establish the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Life and Times of a Big River
An Uncommon Natural History of Alaska's Upper Yukon
Life at Swift Water Place
Northwest Alaska at the Threshold of European Contact
Little Whale
A Story of the Last Tlingit War Canoe
Living with Wildness
An Alaskan Odyssey
Lugiim Yuraa
Lucy's Dance, Yup'ik Edition
Made of Salmon
Alaska Stories from the Salmon Project
Making History
Alutiiq/Sugpiaq Life on the Alaska Peninsula
Married to the Empire
Three Governors' Wives in Russian America 1829-1864
Martha Joe
Melting the Ice Curtain
The Extraordinary Story of Citizen Diplomacy on the Russia-Alaska Frontier
Mission of Change in Southwest Alaska
Conversations with Father René Astruc and Paul Dixon on Their Work with Yup'ik People, 1950-1988
More Than God Demands
Politics and Influence of Christian Missions in Northwest Alaska, 1897-1918
Natalia Shelikhova
Russian Oligarch of Alaska Commerce
Natchiq Grows Up
The Story of an Alaska Ringed Seal Pup and Her Changing Home
Noel Wien
Alaska Pioneer Bush Pilot
North by 2020
Perspectives on Alaska's Changing Social-Ecological Systems
North of 53º
The Wild Days of the Alaska-Yukon Mining Frontier, 1870-1914