Anthony Aveni
Anthony Aveni
Anthony Aveni is the Russell Colgate Distinguished University Professor of Astronomy, Anthropology, and Native American Studies at Colgate University. He has researched and written about Maya astronomy for more than four decades. He was named a US National Professor of the Year and has been awarded the H. B. Nicholson Medal for Excellence in Research in Mesoamerican Studies by Harvard's Peabody Museum.
Behind the Crystal Ball
Revised Edition
Studying Astronomy in a Cultural Context
Anthony Aveni considers the recent story about the Canadian student who discovered a Maya city by placing a star map over a map of the Yucatán.
Who Wants to Know? Understanding Other Cultures through Better Questions
I’ve had some really excellent feedback on my book Class Not Dismissed, especially from readers who ended up, like me, working in a place they wouldn’t have dreamed of nor planned for.