Vershawn Ashanti Young
Vershawn Ashanti Young
Vershawn Ashanti Young is a member of the faculty of arts at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He has also served on the faculties of the University of Iowa and the University of Kentucky. He teaches communication, English, and performance studies. He serves as a consultant to schools and organizations in the areas of cultural competency and diversity. He values collaboration and has authored or co-authored several books, including Other People's English: Code Meshing, Code Switching, and African American Literacy (Teachers College Press 2014). His articles have appeared in African American Review, American Literary History, PMLA, College Communication and Composition, Journal of Advanced Composition, and Souls. For the past decade, he has been developing the concept of code-meshing, using multiple Englishes and dialects in formal written and oral communication in school and at work. For more on code-meshing and Vershawn, see