University of Alaska Press
Publishing books on politics and history, Native languages and cultures, science and natural history, biography and memoir, poetry, fiction and anthologies, and original translations, all with an emphasis on the state of Alaska.
Flight of the Golden Plover
The Amazing Migration Between Hawaii and Alaska
For the Sake of the Light
New and Selected Poems
From Humboldt to Kodiak 1886-1895
Recollections of a Frontier Childhood and the Founding of the First American School and the Baptist Mission at Kodiak, Alaska
From Snowshoes to Wingtips
The Life of Patrick O'Neill
From the Writings of the Greenlanders
Kalaakllit atuakkiaannit
Frontier Romance
Environment, Culture, and Alaska Identity
Gaining Daylight
Life on Two Islands
Geology of Southeast Alaska
Rock and Ice in Motion
Giinaquq: Like A Face
Suqpiaq Masks of the Kodiak Archipelago
Go Play Outside
Tips, Tricks, and Tales from the Trails
Gold Rush Grub
From Turpentine Stew to Hoochinoo
Good Company
A Mining Family in Fairbanks, Alaska
Goodwin Semaken - Kaltag
A Biography
Grewingk's Geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America
Contributions Toward Knowledge of the Orographic and Geognostic Condition of the Northwest Coast of America, with the Adjacent Islands
Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska
Fourth Edition
Guide to Northeast Pacific Flatfishes
Families Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, and Pleuronectidae
Guide to Northeast Pacific Rockfishes
Genera Sebastes and Sebastolobus
Gwich'in Athabascan Implements
History, Manufacture, and Usage According to Reverend David Salmon
Han, People of the River
Han Hwëch’in
Hard Driving
The 1908 Auto Race from New York to Paris
Harnessed to the Pole
Sledge Dogs in Service to American Explorers of the Arctic, 1853-1909