Writing program administrators have a long history of advocating for their students, fellow faculty, and programs. This advocacy includes defending their work against other entities that seek to dictate the work, challenging institutional policies that define student success in a narrow way or create untenable conditions for writing faculty workloads, and making antiracism a central part of writing programs. The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly created a variety of additional challenges for those working in education at all levels. WPAs suddenly had to navigate new public health mandates alongside student and instructor fears as well as pressures by administrations and publics to teach in person.
The chapters in this collection include a variety of voices who have been involved in writing program administration in recent years to reflect on the work done in this moment of crisis. Through both short vignettes and longer chapters, this book explores the complicated interactions between WPA work and navigating times of crisis to provide insights for moving forward. Authors explore a variety of topics including professional development, curricular change, advocating in the face of intransigent administrations and others, caring for students, and taking time for self-care. Pointing to specific actions for continued advocacy, WPAing in a Pandemic and Beyond will be of great interest to WPAs and writing studies scholars.
The ebook edition will be made open access within three years of publication thanks to Path to Open, a program developed to bring about equitable access and impact for the entire scholarly community, including authors, researchers, libraries, and university presses around the world. learn more
Contributors: Lydia Allison, Lisa R. Arnold, Breana Bayraktar, Logan Bearden, Melvin E. Beavers, Rachael Benavidez, Cristine Busser, Sheila Carter-Tod, Chris Cartright, Steven J. Corbett, Anicca Cox, Megan Crowley-Watson, Gabriel Cutrufello, Denae Dibrell, Jordan J. Dominy, Tyler Easterbrook, Jonathan Elmore, Ragan Glover, Farrah Goff, Nicole Guinot Varty, Jenni G. Halpin, Holly Hassel, Andrew Hollinger, Analeigh E. Horton, Victoria Houser, Natalie James Ingalsbe, Adrienne Jankens, Jennifer Jared, Joshua C. Jensen, Kevin Kato, Elizabeth Kimball, Kathleen J. Klompien, Laura Kovick, Jacqueline Kozak, Erin Lehman, Christopher Maggio, Jairo Marshall, Marshall Martin, Lisa Mastrangelo, Mark McBeth, Jolivette Mecenas, Annie S. Mendenhall, Michelle Niestepski, Katherine Daily O’Meara, Meghan Phelps, Liane Robertson, Rochelle Rodrigo, Todd Ruecker, Jet Saengngoen, Emily Sawan, Amanda Schumacher, Maggie Shelledy, Morgan Sims, Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, Stacey Stanfield Anderson, Michelle Stuckey, Robert Terry, Darci Thoune, Annette Vara, Katherine Villarreal, Kim Vose, Amy J. Wan, Sara Webb-Sunderhaus, Christopher John Williams