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Applied Pedagogies

Strategies for Online Writing Instruction

Better Cultivation: Protecting Diversity in Our Classrooms

It’s wintertime, but it’s not too soon to think about planting.

The goal here is not to beat an agricultural metaphor to death but to think about and expand the frames we use when we talk about “cultivating student minds” or “planting the seeds of new ideas.”

Civic Engagement in Global Contexts

International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education

Conflicting Landscapes

American Schooling/Alaska Natives

Drilled to Write

Becoming a Cadet Writer at a Senior Military College

Equipping Technical Communicators for Social Justice Work

Theories, Methodologies, and Pedagogies

Making Administrative Work Visible

Data-Driven Advocacy for Understanding the Labor of Writing Program Administration

Mapping Racial Literacies

College Students Write about Race and Segregation

Presumed Incompetent II

Race, Class, Power, and Resistance of Women in Academia

Reading and Writing Instruction in the Twenty-First Century

Recovering and Transforming the Pedagogy of Robert Scholes

Sixteen Teachers Teaching

Two-Year College Perspectives

Speaking Up, Speaking Out

Lived Experiences of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Writing Studies

The Dual Enrollment Kaleidoscope

Reconfiguring Perceptions of First-Year Writing and Composition Studies

The Embodied Playbook

Writing Practices of Student-Athletes

The Equity/Excellence Imperative

A 2030 Blueprint for Undergraduate Education at U.S. Research Universities

Translingual Pedagogical Perspectives

Engaging Domestic and International Students in the Composition Classroom

Writing Their Bodies

Restoring Rhetorical Relations at the Carlisle Indian School

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press