Jessica Joyce Christie
Jessica Joyce Christie
Jessica Joyce Christie is associate professor of art history at East Carolina University. She specializes in the visual culture of the Maya and Inka as well as in the Southwest and Northwest of Native North America. Her research and resulting publications on palace architecture, landscapes of origin, and Inka sculpted outcrops have been supported by a summer fellowship at Dumbarton Oaks, a Research/Creativity Award from East Carolina University, and several college and departmental funding sources.
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The University Press of Colorado is a 501(c)3 nonprofit membership organization that relies on the ongoing support of its members, as well as funds from other institutions, granting agencies, and individuals, to fulfill our mandate as a scholarly publisher. We thank the following institutions and individuals for their generous contributions to our publishing program this year.
- Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, $2,500 in support of Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon edited by Thomas R. Rocek and Nancy A. Kenmotsu
- Binghamton University, $1,000 in support of Legend Tripping edited by Lynne S. McNeill and Elizabeth Tucker
- Brown University, $2,000 in support of An Inconstant Landscape edited by Thomas G. Garrison and Stephen Houston
- East Carolina University, $1,500 in support of Key Theoretical Frameworks edited by Angela M. Haas and Michelle F. Eble
- East Carolina University, $1,200 in support of Re/Orienting Writing Studies edited by William P. Banks, Matthew B. Cox, and Caroline Dadas
- Gettysburg College, $1,000 in support of Relational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology edited by Eleanor Harrison-Buck and Julia A. Hendon
- Knowledge Unlatched, $2,200 in support of Alternative Pathways to Complexity edited by Lane F. Fargher and Verenice Y. Heredia Espinoza
- Knowledge Unlatched, $9,600 in support of Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica edited by Joshua D. Englehardt and Michael D. Carrasco
- Knowledge Unlatched, $2,200 in support of Political Landscapes of Capital Cities edited by Jessica Joyce Christie, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán
- Purdue University, $2,500 in support of Out in the Center edited by Harry Denny, Robert Mundy, Liliana M. Naydan, Richard Sévère, and Anna Sicari
- The Southwest Symposium, $3,500 in support of Interaction and Connectivity in the Greater Southwest edited by Karen G. Harry and Barbara J. Roth
- St. Martin’s University, $3,000 in support of The Nature of Hope edited by Char Miller and Jeff Crane
- Stony Brook University, $2,500 in support of Rhetor Response by Peter H. Khost
- Taylor University, $300 in support of Next Steps by Barbara Bird, Doug Downs, I. Moriah McCracken, & Jan Rieman
- University of California, Los Angeles, $3,000 in support of Barbed Voices by Arthur A. Hansen
- University of California, Los Angeles, $3,000 in support of Distant Islands by Daniel H. Inouye
- University of Delaware, $1,500 in support of Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon edited by Thomas R. Rocek and Nancy A. Kenmotsu
- University of Houston, $3,950 in support of The Writer's Style by Paul Butler
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, $2,000 in support of Teaching Professional and Technical Communication edited by Tracy Bridgeford
- University of New Hampshire, $1,250 in support ofRelational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology edited by Eleanor Harrison-Buck and Julia A. Hendon
- University of North Carollina Charlotte, $1,000 in support of Next Steps by Barbara Bird, Doug Downs, I. Moriah McCracken, & Jan Rieman
- University of North Carolina Greensboro, $1,000 in support of The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers edited by A. Asa Eger
- University of North Georgia, $1,000 in support of The Embodied Playbook by J. Michael Rifenburg
- University of Notre Dame, $1,500 in support of Provocations of Virtue by John Duffy
- University of Tennessee–Martin, $500 in support of A Mission for Development by Richard Garlitz
- Uniwersytet Warszawski, $2,100 in support of Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past edited by Justyna Olko, John Sullivan, and Jan Szemiński
Contributions toward the University Press of Colorado Endowment Fund:
Director's Circle 2018–2019 ($500+ annually)
John F. Freeman |
Laura Furney |
Darrin Pratt |
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2018–2019 Donors
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Jim Webber | Irwin Weiser | Nancy Welch | Robert Wicks |
Xiaoye You | Morris Young | Terry Myers Zawacki | Liping Zhu |
Contributions toward the General Fund:
2018–2019 Donors
Catherine Cameron |
Lane Hirabayashi |
Michael Lightner |
Member Institutions
Ongoing support for the publishing program at the University Press of Colorado is provided by the following sustaining members:
- Adams State University
- Colorado State University (Fort Collins/Pueblo)
- Fort Lewis College
- Metropolitan State University of Denver
- University of Colorado (Boulder/Colorado Springs/Denver)
- University of Northern Colorado
- Utah State University
- Western Colorado University