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Norbert Elliot

October 05, 2015

Congratulations to Edward M. White, Norbert Elliot, and Irvin Peckham!

On the evening of Thursday, October 1, at the 2015 Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication annual meeting, USUP editor Michael Spooner accepted the 2015 CPTSC Award for Excellence in Program Assessment on behalf of Edward M. White, Norbert Elliot, and Irvin Peckham, for their book Very Like a Whale: The Assessment of Writing Programs.

Published in News & Features

Early Holistic Scoring of Writing

A Theory, a History, a Reflection

March 11, 2015

Norbert Elliot

Norbert Elliot is research professor at the University of South Florida and professor emeritus of English at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is coauthor of Early Holistic Scoring of Writing, with Richard Haswell, and Very Like a Whale: The Assessment of Writing Programs, with Edward M. White and Irvin Peckham, and coeditor of Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity, with Mya Poe and Asao B. Inoue, and Talking Back: Senior Scholars and Their Colleagues Deliberate the Past, Present, and Future of Writing Studies, with Alice Horning.

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September 16, 2015

Very Like a Whale wins the 2015 CPTSC Award for Excellence in Program Assessment!

Congratulations to Edward M. White, Norbert Elliot, and Irvin Peckham! This award recognizes outstanding contributions that individuals, collaborators, or teams have made to program assessment in technical and scientific communication, and is made for excellence in research. It will be presented at the CPTSC Annual Conference on Thursday evening, October 1, at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. For more information on the book, click here.

Published in News & Features
July 21, 2015

What on Earth Has Happened to Freshman English?

If you haven't been paying much attention, you may have missed a quiet academic revolution in one of the most conservative of disciplines: English and, particularly, the introductory writing course that almost all entering students were and still are required to take.

Published in News & Features

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press