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Redwood Audiobooks

Boomtown Blues

Colorado Oil Shale

Exploring Desert Stone

John N. Macomb's 1859 Expedition to the Canyonlands of the Colorado

Haunting Experiences

Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore

Hosea Stout

Lawman, Legislator, Mormon Defender

Living Folklore

An Introduction to the Study of People and Their Traditions

Second Edition

Nursing, Revised Edition

The Philosophy and Science of Caring


Polygamy on the Pedernales

Lyman Wight's Mormon Villages in Antebellum Texas, 1845-1858

January 23, 2015

Revelation, Resistance, and Mormon Polygamy

The Introduction and Implementation of the Principle, 1830–1853

Stories of Our Lives

Memory, History, Narrative

The Chickasaw Rancher

Revised Edition

The Reed Smoot Hearings

The Investigation of a Mormon Senator and the Transformation of an American Religion

Timberline, U.S.A.

High-Country Encounters from California to Maine

Warrior Ways

Explorations in Modern Military Folklore

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press