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University Press of Colorado

Publishing books in anthropology, archaeology, environmental justice, ethnohistory, history (Colorado, mining history, Rocky Mountain west), and natural history (Colorado, Rocky Mountain west).

Detachment from Place

Beyond an Archaeology of Settlement Abandonment

Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past

Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words

Dinéjí Na'nitin

Navajo Traditional Teachings and History

Distant Bugles, Distant Drums

The Union Response to the Confederate Invasion of New Mexico

Distant Islands

The Japanese American Community in New York City, 1876-1930s

Dr. Charles David Spivak

A Jewish Immigrant and the American Tuberculosis Movement

Eben Smith

The Dean of Western Mining

Ecological and General Systems

An Introduction to Systems Ecology

Revised Edition

Elusive Unity

Factionalism and the Limits of Identity Politics in Yucatan, Mexico

Empires of Time

Calendars, Clocks, and Cultures

Revised Edition

Encounter with the Plumed Serpent

Drama and Power in the Heart of Mesoamerica

Enduring Legacies

Ethnic Histories and Cultures of Colorado

Energy Impacts

A Multidisciplinary Exploration of North American Energy Development

Enos Mills

Citizen of Nature

Epiphany in the Wilderness

Hunting, Nature, and Performance in the Nineteenth-Century American West

Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia

Reconstructing Past Identities from Archaeology, Linguistics, and Ethnohistory

Exploring Cause and Explanation

Historical Ecology, Demography, and Movement in the American Southwest

Fanning the Sacred Flame

Mesoamerican Studies in Honor of H. B. Nicholson

Finding Solace in the Soil

An Archaeology of Gardens and Gardeners at Amache

Fire Management in the American West

Forest Politics and the Rise of Megafires

Food Provisioning in Complex Societies

Zooarchaeological Perspectives

Foraging in the Past

Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity

Forced Out

A Nikkei Woman’s Search for a Home in America

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press