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University Press of Colorado

Publishing books in anthropology, archaeology, environmental justice, ethnohistory, history (Colorado, mining history, Rocky Mountain west), and natural history (Colorado, Rocky Mountain west).

Landscapes of Warfare

Urartu and Assyria in the Ancient Middle East

Last Paper Standing

A Century of Competition between the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News

Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage

Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas

Leisure and Death

An Anthropological Tour of Risk, Death, and Dying

Life at the Margins of the State

Comparative Landscapes from the Old and New Worlds

Life beyond the Boundaries

Constructing Identity in Edge Regions of the North American Southwest

Life on the Rocks

A Portrait of the American Mountain Goat

Living Ruins

Native Engagements with Past Materialities in Contemporary Mesoamerica, Amazonia, and the Andes

Lousy Sex

Creating Self in an Infectious World

Making an American Workforce

The Rockefellers and the Legacy of Ludlow

Making the White Man's West

Whiteness and the Creation of the American West

Man in the Moon

Essays on Fathers and Fatherhood

Manufactured Light

Mirrors in the Mesoamerican Realm

Manzanar Mosaic

Essays and Oral Histories on America’s First World War II Japanese American Concentration Camp

Mapping Identity

The Creation of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1805-1902

Material Relations

The Marriage Figurines of Prehispanic Honduras

Maximum Power

The Ideas and Applications of H.T. Odum

Maya Blue

Unlocking the Mysteries of an Ancient Pigment

Maya Creation Myths

Words and Worlds of the Chilam Balam

Maya Daykeeping

Three Calendars from Highland Guatemala

Maya Potters’ Indigenous Knowledge

Cognition, Engagement, and Practice

Memory Traces

Analyzing Sacred Space at Five Mesoamerican Sites

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press