Annual Report 2018-2019
In 2018–2019, the University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press produced forty-nine new titles and editions in the fields of anthropology, composition, folklore, history, and natural history. Two of our publications won awards—the MLA's Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize (Crossing Divides) and the Brian McConnell Book Award from the Society for Contemporary Legend Research (Legend Tripping), and another three were recognized in award competitions. Those recognitions include an honorable mention for the Immigration and Ethnic History Society First Book Award (Distant Islands), an honorable mention for the New England Council of Latin American Studies Marysa Navarro Best Book Prize (Land, Politics, and Memory in Five Nija’ib’ K’iche’ Títulos), and third place in the Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development from the American Journal of Nursing (Unitary Caring Science). We also copublished On Being Maya and Getting By (IMS Studies on Culture and Society Series) with the Institute for Mesoamerican Studies at the University of Albany.
In addition, we also published, copublished, or distributed other important publications from member faculty and departments. Faculty publications included Legend Tripping (Lynne S. McNeill, Utah State University), Remembering Lucile (Polly E. Bugros McLean, University of Colorado Boulder), Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues (Jared S. Colton, Utah State University), Slender Man is Coming (Lynne S. McNeill, Utah State University), and The Once and Future Silver Queen of the Rockies (Duane A. Smith, Fort Lewis College). We also copublished the following titles with the WAC Clearinghouse:
#writing series
Across the Disciplines series
Perspectives on Writing series
Composing Feminist Interventions
Contemporary Perspectives on Cognition and Writing
The Memoir of Ednah Shepard Thomas
Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity
Practices & Possibilities series
A Writer's Guide to Mindful Reading
The CSU Open Press's Network Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline by Derek N. Mueller also won the 2019 CCCC Research Impact Award.
Finally, we distributed Dread and Delight: Fairy Tales in an Anxious World for the Weatherspoon Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Transitions and Transformations (Volume 7, Manifest West series) for Western Press Books at Western State Colorado University as well as the following titles from the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University:
Furthest Ecology (Mountain West Poetry Series)
The Owl Was a Baker’s Daughter (2018 Colorado Prize for Poetry)
During fiscal year 2017–2018 we raised $295,000 in contributed revenue from a combination of member dues, title subsidies, and individual donations. We also increased the balance of our endowment fund with The Denver Foundation by 26 percent to $77,000. We still have some way to go before meeting our near-term goal of raising $250,000 before we start using earnings and interest for operations, but raising funds annually for the endowment, however modest the amount, is important to the long-term sustainability of our publishing operation.
University Press of Colorado | Utah State University Press submitted our first title—The Rain God's Rebellion: The Cultural Basis of a Nahua Insurgency by James M. Taggert—to the Sustainable History Monograph Pilot, a Mellon-funded initiative to publish open digital editions of high-quality books from nineteen university presses in the field of history. Harnessing the editorial, design, and production expertise of Longleaf Services, a not-for-profit publishing services provider owned by the University of North Carolina Press, and the University of California Press's innovative editorial platform, Editoria, this pilot is an opportunity to explore how open digital editions can enhance discoverability and engagement of original scholarship by readers across the globe—while maintaining the high standards of peer review and publication that are integral to university press publishing.
—Darrin Pratt, Director
2018 MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize
Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs
edited by Bruce Horner and Laura Tetreault
2019 Immigration and Ethnic History Society First Book Award, Honorable Mention
Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City, 1876–1930s
Daniel H. Inouye
2018 New England Council of Latin American Studies Best Book Prize, Honorable Mention
Land, Politics, and Memory in Five Nija'ib K'iche' Títulos: "The Title and Proof of Our Ancestors"
Mallory E. Matsumoto
2019 Brian McConnell Book Award, the Society for Contemporary Legend Research
Legend Tripping: A Contemporary Legend Casebook
edited by Lynne S. McNeill and Elizabeth Tucker
2019 CCCC Research Impact Award
Network Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline
Derek N. Mueller
Co-published with the WAC Clearinghouse
2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development, Third Place
Unitary Caring Science: Philosophy and Praxis of Nursing
Jean Watson
This year saw the publication of a nearly decade-long journey by Polly E Bugros McLean to recover and tell the story of Lucile Berkeley Buchanan Jones, who in 1918 became the first female African-American graduate of the University of Colorado, although she was not allowed to "walk" at graduation, nor is she pictured in the 1918 CU yearbook.
The first-born daughter of emancipated slaves, Lucile refused to be defined by the racist and sexist climate of her times, settling on a career path in teaching that required great courage in the face of pernicious Jim Crow laws. Embracing her sister’s dream for higher education and W. E. B. Du Bois’s ideology, she placed education and intelligence at the forefront of her life, teaching in places where she could most benefit African American students. Over her 105 years she was an eyewitness to spectacular, inspiring, and tragic moments in American history, including horrific lynchings and systemic racism in housing and business opportunities, as well as the success of women's suffrage and Black-owned businesses and educational institutions.
In telling Lucile's story, Professor McLean depicts the rise of the African American middle class through the historical journey of Lucile and her family from slavery in northern Virginia to life in the American West, using their personal story as a lens through which to examine the greater experience of middle-class Blacks in the early twentieth century.
Professor McLean has been busy during the course of the fiscal year, giving innumberable talks around the state and media interviews and garnering the most publicity University Press of Colorado | Utah State University Press has had for a single title in some time.
“Reading Remembering Lucile, we mountain dwellers will appreciate learning about this remarkable woman from Denver, so near and yet so far from the experiences many of us have known.”
—Colorado Central Magazine
“Chronicling African American women’s history often requires patience and perseverance in the quest to fill gaps in the historical record. Polly E. Bugros McLean demonstrates such tenacity as she recounts the story of the University of Colorado’s first African American woman graduate, Lucile Berkeley Buchanan Jones. . . . . McLean’s work is useful to historians and would benefit advanced undergraduate and graduate students as they embark on their own projects.”
—Western Historical Quarterly
For more stories about the book, links to local news coverage can be found below:
- Denver Post, 2016
- Daily Camera, 1
- Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine, March 14, 2018
- Daily Camera, 2
- The Root
- Channel 9 News
- Denver Post, 2018
- Colorado Matters
Professor McLean's research and the publication of Remembering Lucile forged a path for the University of Colorado's recognition of Lucile on the 100th annivesary of her graduation, prompting this statement from James W.C. White, interim dean at the College of Arts and Sciences.
Jared Beeton |
Michael Lightner |
Catherine Cameron |
Suzanne Macaulay |
Bradford Cole |
Jared Orsi |
Catherine DiCesare |
Michael Palmquist |
James Drake |
![]() |
Nick Saenz |
Courtney Flint |
Lynn L. Sikkink |
![]() |
Keith Grant-Davie |
Dimitris Stevis |
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George Junne |
Kariann Akemi Yokota |
Select an area of support below for more detail.
Grants and Donations
The University Press of Colorado is a 501(c)3 nonprofit membership organization that relies on the ongoing support of its members, as well as funds from other institutions, granting agencies, and individuals, to fulfill our mandate as a scholarly publisher. We thank the following institutions and individuals for their generous contributions to our publishing program this year.
- Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, $2,500 in support of Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon edited by Thomas R. Rocek and Nancy A. Kenmotsu
- Binghamton University, $1,000 in support of Legend Tripping edited by Lynne S. McNeill and Elizabeth Tucker
- Brown University, $2,000 in support of An Inconstant Landscape edited by Thomas G. Garrison and Stephen Houston
- East Carolina University, $1,500 in support of Key Theoretical Frameworks edited by Angela M. Haas and Michelle F. Eble
- East Carolina University, $1,200 in support of Re/Orienting Writing Studies edited by William P. Banks, Matthew B. Cox, and Caroline Dadas
- Gettysburg College, $1,000 in support of Relational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology edited by Eleanor Harrison-Buck and Julia A. Hendon
- Knowledge Unlatched, $2,200 in support of Alternative Pathways to Complexity edited by Lane F. Fargher and Verenice Y. Heredia Espinoza
- Knowledge Unlatched, $9,600 in support of Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica edited by Joshua D. Englehardt and Michael D. Carrasco
- Knowledge Unlatched, $2,200 in support of Political Landscapes of Capital Cities edited by Jessica Joyce Christie, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán
- Purdue University, $2,500 in support of Out in the Center edited by Harry Denny, Robert Mundy, Liliana M. Naydan, Richard Sévère, and Anna Sicari
- The Southwest Symposium, $3,500 in support of Interaction and Connectivity in the Greater Southwest edited by Karen G. Harry and Barbara J. Roth
- St. Martin’s University, $3,000 in support of The Nature of Hope edited by Char Miller and Jeff Crane
- Stony Brook University, $2,500 in support of Rhetor Response by Peter H. Khost
- Taylor University, $300 in support of Next Steps by Barbara Bird, Doug Downs, I. Moriah McCracken, & Jan Rieman
- University of California, Los Angeles, $3,000 in support of Barbed Voices by Arthur A. Hansen
- University of California, Los Angeles, $3,000 in support of Distant Islands by Daniel H. Inouye
- University of Delaware, $1,500 in support of Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon edited by Thomas R. Rocek and Nancy A. Kenmotsu
- University of Houston, $3,950 in support of The Writer's Style by Paul Butler
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, $2,000 in support of Teaching Professional and Technical Communication edited by Tracy Bridgeford
- University of New Hampshire, $1,250 in support ofRelational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology edited by Eleanor Harrison-Buck and Julia A. Hendon
- University of North Carollina Charlotte, $1,000 in support of Next Steps by Barbara Bird, Doug Downs, I. Moriah McCracken, & Jan Rieman
- University of North Carolina Greensboro, $1,000 in support of The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers edited by A. Asa Eger
- University of North Georgia, $1,000 in support of The Embodied Playbook by J. Michael Rifenburg
- University of Notre Dame, $1,500 in support of Provocations of Virtue by John Duffy
- University of Tennessee–Martin, $500 in support of A Mission for Development by Richard Garlitz
- Uniwersytet Warszawski, $2,100 in support of Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past edited by Justyna Olko, John Sullivan, and Jan Szemiński
Contributions toward the University Press of Colorado Endowment Fund:
Director's Circle 2018–2019 ($500+ annually)
John F. Freeman |
Laura Furney |
Darrin Pratt |
Friends of the Press 2018–2019 ($100+ annually)
Anthony F. Aveni | Richard Blanton | Richard W. Clement | Bradford Cole |
Catherine DiCesare | James Drake | Nancy Gonlin | Scott Hutson |
Suzanne Macaulay | John Marston | Barbara Mills | Jared Orsi |
Michael Palmquist | Jason Pierce | Bonnie Pitblado | Lynn Sikkink |
2018–2019 Donors
Aaron Abeyta | Rick A. Adams | Linda Adler-Kassner | Laura M. Amrhein |
George G. Angel | Jacob Babb | Douglas B. Bamforth | Ralph Bauer |
Anis Bawarshi | John Behrendt | Marc Bekoff | Reinhard Bernbeck |
Michel Besson | George Bilgere | Elizabeth Boquet | Alexis T. Boutin |
Liam M. Brady | Mary Brennan | Robert H Brunswig | Paul Butler |
Michael D Carrasco | Marie Romero Cash | Beth Chavez | Margaret Coel |
Chip Colwell | James N Corbridge, Jr. | Andrew J Cowell | Iain Davidson |
Russ Tobias Davidson | Amy E. Dayton | Kristin De Lucia | Nancy C. Dejoy |
Harry Denny | Sue Doe | John Douglass | Matthew Downey |
John Duffy | Heidi Estrem | Courtney Flint | Kirk D. French |
Gregory A. Giberson | Maureen Goggin | Helen R Haines | Janis Haswell |
Carol P. Haviland | Jonathan D Hill | Brian Hosmer | Emily Isaacs |
Eric E. Jones | George Junne | P. Nick Kardulias | Peter Khost |
Heidi Kim | Boris Kondratieff | Marcel Kornfeld | R. Todd Laugen |
Lisa LeCount | Stephen J. Leonard | Rebecca Lindenberg | James Lopach |
William Macauley | Ethelia Ruiz Medrano | Dan Melzer | Susan Milbrath |
Dan Miller | Susan Miller-Cochran | Christopher T. Morehart | Travis Mossotti |
Holley Moyes | Joan Mullin | Patricia Murphy | Thomas J. Noel |
Jared Orsi | Charles Paine | Michael Pemberton | Benjamin W. Porter |
Stephen Prince | Andrew Roddick | Enrique Rodriguez-Alegria | Jacqueline Jones Royster |
Todd Ruecker | Daniel Ruefman | Tanita Saenkhum | Nick Saenz |
Clare A Sammells | Steven Schulte | Dawn Shepherd | John Sillito |
Barbara L Stark | Dimitris Stevis | April Summitt | Beth Svinarich |
Jason Swarts | Victor Villanueva | Xiqiao Wang | Elizabeth Wardle |
Jim Webber | Irwin Weiser | Nancy Welch | Robert Wicks |
Xiaoye You | Morris Young | Terry Myers Zawacki | Liping Zhu |
Contributions toward the General Fund:
2018–2019 Donors
Catherine Cameron |
Lane Hirabayashi |
Michael Lightner |
Member Institutions
Ongoing support for the publishing program at the University Press of Colorado is provided by the following sustaining members:
- Adams State University
- Colorado State University (Fort Collins/Pueblo)
- Fort Lewis College
- Metropolitan State University of Denver
- University of Colorado (Boulder/Colorado Springs/Denver)
- University of Northern Colorado
- Utah State University
- Western Colorado University
Current Assets | |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | $16,000 |
Accounts Receivable (Net) | $308,000 |
Inventory at Cost | $191,000 |
Prepaid Expenses & Other Current Assets | $22,000 |
Total | $537,000 |
Other Assets | |
Denver Foundation Endowment Fund (Net) | $77,000 |
Other Assets | $11,000 |
Right-of-Use-Asset | $119,000 |
Total | $207,000 |
Total Assets | $744,000 |
Current Liabilities | |
Accounts Payable | $29,000 |
Accrued Vacation and Sick Pay | $43,000 |
Royalties and Commissions | $103,000 |
Unearned Income | $168,000 |
Lease Liability, Current Portion | $33,000 |
Line of Credit | -$0- |
Total Current Liabilities | $376,000 |
Other—Lease Liability, Net of Current Portion | $88,000 |
Total Liabilities | $464,000 |
Net Assets—Without Donor Restrictions | $280,000 |
Total Liabilities and Net Assets | $744,000 |
Revenues | |
Net Book Sales | $1,048,000 |
Other Publishing Income | $10,000 |
Member Dues | $263,000 |
Donations, Interest, and Other Income | $32,000 |
Total Revenues | $1,353,000 |
Cost of Sales | |
Cost of Books Sold | $192,000 |
Title Subsidies | ($43,000) |
Inventory Write-Off | $79,000 |
Royalties and Commissions | $99,000 |
Total Cost of Sales | $327,000 |
Gross Margin | $1,026,000 |
Expenses | |
Editorial Expense | $400,000 |
Production Expense | $117,000 |
Marketing Expense | $131,000 |
Fulfillment Expense | $167,000 |
General and Administrative Expense | $291,000 |
Total Expenses | $1,106,000 |
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets | ($80,000) |
Net Assets, Beginning of Year | $360,000 |
Net Assets, End of Year | $280,000 |